

But, not to hold onto the past, she did made things right last night didn't she? By God, Michael ate the food she cooked! Her smile widened as she recalled how he finished the food she put on his plate. He ate it, all of them! Not leaving a single crump. She felt like a school girl who was newly in love, her heart shun with the light she hasn't experienced for a long time and she found herself wishing that the day will end quickly so that she can go home and make dinner for her husband.

She chuckled, yea, husband. She closed her eyes and breathe in the fresh air of happiness, of a relaxed mind, a peaceful being. She can't remember the last time she had felt this peaceful inside, it was as if, she had been reborn and all the pain and heartaches of the world were no longer there. It was as if all the sorrows has been washed away, and her body was empty, ready to be filled with happy memories. She felt so... Good and alive.