

Vanessa stared at her son after the room was quiet /"so, if she is not the one you have been madly in love with, who is she? Who is the girl that you find so hard to let go?/" She asked the question she has been meaning to ask for a long time.

Michael looked at her silently, he wanted to speak but he doesn't know what to say, he opened his mouth but no sound came out, he licked his lips and sighed /"mom.../" He sighed again.

Vanessa knew he was finding it difficult to speak and decided to make it a little easy for him /"where is she?/"

/"She is married./"

/"Oh/" she nodded /"happily married?/"

Michael shook his head slowly /"not really. Her husband has been bad to her./"

Vanessa looked at him /"and?/"

/"She left but he went after her, asking her to forgive him and take him back./"

/"Did she?/"