

Sasha smiled, she really wanted to walk up and kiss him but she held herself, 'come on Sasha, one step at a time' she told herself before climbing up the stairs, she could feel his gaze at her back and she thought about walking more sexily to make him admire her more, but she doesn't want to make it obvious.

She has just finished undressing and was wrapped in a towel when she heard a knock on the door, /"come in./"

The door opened and Michael wheeled inside, he was looking at her but was trying not to, /"I was wondering, know, you came back late.../"

/"Oh Michael, I'm really sorry about that. I was just held up/" Sasha interrupted.

/"I know/" he smiled /"you just said that not less than seven minutes ago. It's just that, I was thinking, you might be tired just like you admitted downstairs. I was wondering since you are tired, you don't have to make dinner./"