How cruel can be life, How beautiful can be death.
The princess stared at the windows, her hands facing up, over her knees, As she prayed. Her long white dress flowing as the cold wind passed the windows of her dungeon. She could feel her throat restricting her breathing, she felt like she was about to die.
/"Show me how cruel your God can be Lord Edmund,/" She said smiling, laughing her grief away. She left out a loud cry as her back leaned down, her head touching the cold dark floor. Her body shivered, her mouth let out silent cries, her heart screamed in pain.
/"I have lost my father to you, I have lost my mother, I have lost my most trusted ally, a man who I could give my tears to/"
She waited, waited for the people that her father once trusted, to enter the cells, and take her away. To be given to the devil, by burning her at stake.