Rose smiled as her hands an across the beautiful bunch of lavenders. /"Rose, Are you going to help your mother make a wreath? /" She laughed nodding. Unfortunately, she was too young to do that. Her grandmother helping her make one of her own as she happily carried her lavender crown over her head and running along the halls of the castle.
Her head bumped into someone as she stumbled back raising her eyes and being delighted to see her father. /"Papa! I made this/" He rose her eyes in awe, /"My perfect princess/" He said kissing his daughter and picking her up in his arms. /"
Did you help your mother made a wreath?/" She nodded holding on to his shoulder as he carried him to their family.
/"Papa/" She was asleep, but only her eyes closed. Her ears picked up the sounds around her. Her hands cold, her legs in pain. Her eyes slightly opened and as felt her head become the heavy second by second.