

/"Sir, May I know your name/" He looked at the young girl. /"Matthew and he is Ruth. I shall have to ask a favor from you. You are not to speak of us to anyone. Any suspicion of spies from another king could raise a war sooner than anticipated/" She nodded but suddenly she stopped.

/"So there will be a war?/" They glance at each other.

/"Do you not want revenge for your King?/" She sighs nodding, Ruth suddenly frowned leaning on the tree beside her in doubt. /"How did you villagers come to the conclusion that the King was poisoned, and not die of illness/"

/"King Edmund never formally announced the death of our late king. The men looking after the king were banished. Before they left, we received the grave news, they said the king was never ill. His death was suspicious. He was poisoned, by the way, he died, It was obvious to them/" The two men frowned at the horrific news.