
#Chapter24 Complete

Aprils pov



He walks towards me and when he reaches me, he inhales my scent then whispers:

/"On behalf of Jason and I, I apologize for what happened earlier/" he says and my heartbeat accelerates. /" I'm Shadow by the way./"

I'm too much in awe of this beautiful male to speak up and so I'm left there gaping like a fish and plus what if he switches again and becomes all mean?

/"Ahem!/" The Alpha says and that's when I remember where I am. I try to move away but he growls at me in warning and that makes me stay put. /" Now that we have established that, It’s now up to you two... Do you accept this trespasser as your mate brother?/" She continues.

Again, Brother?

Shadow growls and says, /" Call her by her name!/"

/" Well do you accept April Sinclair Robinson as your mate?/"

For a moment there is nothing but silence and I take that as a NO.