
#Chapter30 Guilty

/" Kai /"

/" What ?/" the tall male walked down the stairs searching for the person that called him .

/"My mums asleep come here and eat dinner with me/" the bright smile on Sehun face was directed at Jongin but it didn’t quite land on him .the smiles Sehun was giving him never really affected Jongin that much .

/" I’m not really hungry /"

/" Come on Kai is it still because of Eren ? when can you finally let go of them /"

/" How could I, .. I still don’t know what she meant with I had no clue/"

/" May you have no clue how much you should pity them ? we all know you only saved yourself . no offence but they were all just pulling you down-/"

/" they never pulled me down and Suho is your friend as well may leaving was a mistake /" his voice got quieter as he looked the other way

/" So being with me is a mistake ?/"