#Chapter33 Dream ?
Kris just cleaned the table after they once more left most of the food untouched and Kyungpook was in bed already after a long shower .
the elder moved the door praying that it wasn’t Suho or Jongin again .
and while Kris did so .
Jongin fumbled on the other side on the window to get it open with pan iced movements
when Suho suddenly tapped his shoulder and the male turned to him .
/" there’s a veranda door /" he pointed at the glass door and Jongin chuckled embarrassed before he rushed over and pushed it open .
/" Ok I’m going to get Kyungpook wait here /" he announced before he sneaked his way inside .spotting Kris on the door talking with Eren. he had to admit that she was a good actor as she cried dispersedly not finding any words which left the guy perplexed and off guard .