Not the Only One

#Chapter37 Not the Only One

giggling filled the silent room

it was late .

and Kris was probably still asleep when they sneaked back inside and made themselves comfortable in Kyungpook bed .

/" I didn’t know you could sing /" the younger muffled half into the elder’s shirt.

/" I told you, that wasn’t singing that was torturing everyone’s ears/" he played with the locks of Kyungpook hair whispering his words softly.

/" No I’m serious .. I was surprised that you can sing .. now you finally got something you're good at /"he chuckled and Jongin just rolled his eyes .

/" Still a bully I see /"

/" You know me .. I’m kidding, you really have a good voice /"

/" no one can top yours /" he smiled and placed a kiss on the crown of his head .

/" Stop molesting my hair I know I need to cut them /"

/" Why would you cut them .. I think it’s cute /"

/" Stop calling me cute /"