Meant to Be

#Chapter50 Meant to Be

breath ..

in ..

and out ..

/" -fucking off !! /"


/" don’t !!/"

and out

/" -soo .. m... something ! .. say.! /"


/" Soo !/"

and out .

he blinked a few times being lost in the darkness that’s always around him .he still felt the blood of his stepdad on his hands and shirt . he felt the blood collecting under him . and he felt the cold still chest of the person he had just killed under his hands.

/" Soo !/"

this isn’t normal what has happened .. no not normal.

/" Kyungpook !/"

all those things that happened to him and to the once he loved .that’s not supposed to happen ..

/" Stand up ! /"

why did this all happen ?

/" Run !/"

why did he deserve this ?

/" Run !/"

/" WHY !?/" his head now snapped upwards, and their fighting had stopped for a second .