
#Chapter16 Truth

he woke up in the middle of the night to find an empty bed besides him .

/" Soo ?/" he sat up looking around .

and eventually he stood up and walked towards the door .

opening it . he saw nothing but darkness . so he turned on the lights .

Jongin froze when he saw Kyungpook sitting there his face buried between his knees. that he hugged tight to his chest .

/" Kyungpook ?/" he asked getting closer. and the younger looked up revealing his red teary eyes .

/" Hey ../" he softly spoke walking closer

he sat down beside him and hugged him half .

/" what’s wrong ?/" he asked softly.

but Kyungpook didn’t answer and instead whipped away his tears .

/" Nothing ..I’m fine ./"

/" Stop saying that , you're clearly not /"

/" Yes I am !/" he yelled which only caused his voice to crack

/" .. I-it was just another nightmare/"

/" About the shadows /"