#Chapter8 OK

trash .


I stared at the thick black letters on my locker. as I opened it grabbing my cloth, that’s been too dirty by now . sighing I didn't bother to clean the letters off .tommorrow there’s going to be something new written on anyway.

I just cleared my throat standing straight and inhaled air .

yes I had been coughing a lot again . I don't know what's wrong I thought it was just a cold and it was gone now .but it seemed to have returned and it’s getting worse. at nights I would wake up coughing into my hand so much that I literally had to catch for air. and I'm starting to feel weaker than ever,I sometimes even fall asleep in class. and don't get me started on mornings I am always dizzy. and sweating so much.

I really hope that this stops soon because it’s annoying and making the days harder .

/" t-r-a-sh .. wow finally someone wrote your name right /" the sickening laughs of yoona echoes through the halls .