#Chapter13 Kim Jongin
hey ho I'm Jongin .Kim Jongin .
that’s right the hottie in school as some would say ..but the truth is .
I really really don't care .
all those stupid girls on the side they don't like me or are attracted to me well some of them might are but I bet more than half of them just act like it to belong to a group or something . they want to be
relatable .and its annoying .
I always hang out with Chanyeol and sehun sometimes all though that guy is always sick not wanting to go to school . ever since cjanyeol met Baekhyun we were always 3 people, he had a guy named luhan with him but since that guy then met sehun both of them are somewhere else only god knows ..
then there was also yoona and Krystal with her cool cheerleader group and xiumin and Hongbin .. I don't like them at all but they always come to us and it’s also annoying .