Double Pain

#Chapter19 Double Pain

/" Kyungsoo /"

/" babysoo /"

/" mum?/"

/" you won't have it !/" I heard her screaming but when I looked around me .. in could only see black

/" mum !/"

/" let go I said no ! it’s not yours !/"

/" mum! mum what's going on ? where are you !?/" I started running not even knowing where, I just wanted to know what's going on I wanted to know what's wrong

/" babysoo ! /"

/" Mum ! /" I turned suddenly tripping onto the ground and as I raised slowly I could feel how my face was already wet from tears but I don't remember when I started to cry . I whipped confused over my face Feeling my breath unsteady as I looked onto my Hands and it was getting brighter revealing my in blood soaked Hands . my eyes widened and I looked over the rest of me to see more blood on my Shirt ,pants and even bare feet .

/" Kyungsoo !/" an angry voice appeared and I didn't Need to guess to know that it was my stepdad .