
#Chapter33 Missing

/" wooooohhh aaaahhh /" Baekhyun yelled and I cringed as we walked out of school

/" beak seriously keep it down /"

/" why ??? Jongin we almost reached the h-o-li-d-aaa-y zzzzzz/" he sang the last part which made me cringe even more .

not listening anymore I looked around while he was squealing besides me talking and singing cheering and dancing which made me smile now and then .

but it faded as soon as I saw Kyungsoo walk out of school from further away he had a frown on his face and suddenly turned around angrily saying something to .. then I saw Seungsoo walk out.

and that asshole grabbed his hand to hold him off of walking away I snapped and rushed towards them not bothering that beak was still talking .

/" hey !/"I snapped removing Seungsoos hand roughly. who just stared at me he looked like he was about to cry which confused me .