#Chapter35 Gone
it has been days ..
I think a little more than a week which means that now the holidays are here .
not a day not an hour a minute or a second has past when I didn't think about Jongin .
I missed him .. I really did .. whenever I fell asleep and believe me when I say I fall asleep a lot .
I would dream of him .
here in the basement its cold and dark and it was making me sick . the chains around my bare feet and around my wrist were making me sick .
the cold floor was making me sick my illness was making me sick and I wondered when my time finally came so I could escape this hell .even my stepfather and
past-Seungsoo were better than this .
I clutched Jongins heart tighter to my chest as my body pained from every movement and the tears as always just streamed down my face . I don't want anymore .