
#Chapter38 Roar

t may be confusing becaus eI started switching the pov since last Chapter I think .

so this means whent he pov between Jongin and Kyungsoo switches .

/" that’s weird /" Chanyeol frowmed as we sat on the bench .

/" yes.. /" I exhaled playing with the red heart in my hands /" I don't believe him though .. there was something weirder and weird about this /"

Chanyeol at first stayed quiet so I looked over to him seeing him look right back onto me as well now /" well but what he said did make sense in a way /"

instandly I shot him a glare at that and he sighed getting closer to me.

/" what if he really just wanted to start a new life because of all that had happened here and to him ../"

/" Chanyeol .. he's sick and pretty much thinks about this in a hopeless way .. he was depressed, he wouldn't have just left. especially not after we were so ..


everything! seemed good for once!/"