No More Standing Up

#Chapter41 No More Standing Up

some people really go too far sometimes

whoever did this better rott in hell .

I hope they soon find that asshole .

that’s just fucked up its actually terrifying how people like that guy exist in this world .

the police is everywhere but in an important case like this they can't do anything .

I want the guy to rott in jail for what he did ..

lots of love and prayers for the victim in the hospital .

wheres the police when you need them

how does that guy even sleep at night knowing that he kidnapped and held somebody .

agree he should just accept he fucked up and turn himself over to the pol-

/" baby /" I raised my eyes from my phone to see Jongin walk in with a plate in his hands food on it and on the sides all the different kind of pills for me .

it’s been another month in the hospital apparently I’ve been