
#Chapter44 Voices

/" how are you today ?/"


I write down onto the writting pad that was on the table .

I didn't bother looking at doctor joon or picking the pad up to write .

it was just the basic visits to the therapist . I stopped freaking out .

it was useless .

like everything else .

I haven’t seen Yixing since last week and Jongin has been asking me none stop if I wanted to talk about my nightmares that I’ve been having ever since Yixing came ..

he knew what happened to me ,the doctors told him I know it .and that’s what's making me feel even more disgusting..

Jongin held my hand as we slowly walked back to my room . every step I took was shaky and we were moving so slow as most of my weight got supported by the hand of Jongin which I tightly held to steady myself .

I felt like a grandpa .