#Chapter56 Listening
/" do you listen ? do you at all listen !?/" he yelled as I stared to the ground losing silent tears while he just continued yelling and yelling .
/" dad ../" I heard Eunji say carefully as she looked at me and I rose my head seeing her split lip as she had her own tears in her eyes.
that’s when a hard slap made me fall to the side
yet I found myself flinching under the covers in Jongins bed.
it was just a dream ..
just another nightmare .
I tried to calm myself as I looked at Jongins sleeping face besides me .
I sighed turning to lay on my back , I could still feel the fresh bruises on my face and it made me carve the pain even more .
it’s been a while since I last touched my stomach ..
it won't kill me when I do it once more .. this time I will only cut once or twice so it’s not bad it will heal anyway . it won't kill me and no one will notice it .