#Chapter67 Losing Time
/" I don't know I'm kind of tired .. /" he spoke as I supported him sitting on the edge of the bed .
/" it’s not going to help if you lay in bed all the time besides that .. I'm your knight remember I’ll catch you if you fall /" he smiled now blushing lightly .
/" so sappy ../"
/" I know you love it /" I whispered to him kissing his temple
/" unfortunately ../" he only rolled his eyes and I now stood up to be in front of him
/" come on /" I reached my hands out to him and he took them with a sigh getting onto his feet to stand as he released a breath
/" how's it feel ?/"
/" what do you mean how’s it feel its normal /" he chuckled
/" you haven’t walked in like 2 and a half weeks so ../"
/" it feels heavy ../" he now answered faster and I looked down .