Take No More

#Chapter64 Take No More

I screamed when he started to slip out of my hands .

and I reached foreword wanting to grab him more but he was slipping too fast so I leaned out more but before I could even attempt to grab him again he just slipped out of my fingers and I watched him fall .

/" Kyungsoo !! /"


flinching awake at the nightmare I released a sigh of relief as he still layed on me on the couch while I was half sitting half laying against the side of it .

and he still layed on me with about 3 blankets wrapped around him along with my arms . he hasn’t woken up yet and I was starting to get worried , with him being still cold to the touch but he was even before that happened .

why can't the world just leave us alone , why did he have to enter the Krystal coffee right at that moment ? it’s like the univers somehow enjoys seeing us suffer. but then again at least it didn't take him away from me.