#Chapter46 For Him
The smoke cleared up after Baekhyun and Chanyeol helped me to walk and get behind the thickest tree trunk that was still standing as the moved the roots over us as a protection.
I couldn’t wait any longer moving away from them as I clutched my chest still in pain, looking around through the dusty air. I rushed toward where they were fighting earlier, Chanyeol close behind me. /"Jongin!/" He attempted to pull me back but I just growled at him in warnings.
He sighed following me closer while Baekhyun was on the other side of me looking out for anything himself.
/"Kyungsoo !?/"I called out picking up my steps to get to the spot quicker as the smoke cleared up slowly.
/"KYUNGSOO !/"the more time it took and the longer it was so quiet only having the sound of a few left branches and grass burning crackling from burning down in my head was making me go insane.