
#Chapter8 traitor

/"hide , it's father /"I looked at him desperately removing his hands from treating my wound and just letting my shirt drop over it again as I nudged him to move away .

I've been injured worse and he knows that, I guess he's just worried since it came from my father instead of a wolf attack. But I relay didn't need a fancy treating for it.

I urged him to hide in the many curtains I have since in winter the old cheap window isn't exactly keeping all the cold outside .

Another knock sounded as my father now began moving the handle but to no success. I’ve locked it before opening the window to Jongin, but him noticing i locked it was only going to make him more angry and i panicked quickly shoving the tissues away and throwing them into the trash. Aiming was never an issue to me anyway.

Before he could even attempt to kick against the door I had opened it breathless.