Agony for Love

#Chapter88 Agony for Love

Sehun suddenly groaned holding his chest and I frowned turning to him as well as Baekhyun did.

/"what ?/"

Baekhyun held his neck up right to watch the now thankfully healing wound while I questioned him.

/"i .. I don't know, I feel weird /"

He stuttered obviously confused himself.

/"are you in pain ?/"Baekhyun asked sitting back once he noticed the wound seemed to be doing fine.

/"no .. I just.. I feel like somethings wrong. It makes me nervous/"

I eyes Baekhyun as Sehun had explained himself making my frown harden.

/"you're just worried.. don't be they will get them out/"

/"what if they're going to be too late ? You as I couldn't reach Jongin anymore.. what if something happened to him or to the others /"his wide eyes looked into mine obviously troubled and I didn't have the words to calm him at the moment so instead I sighed lay in my hand onto his.