My Special One

#Chapter104 My Special One

/"Jongin ?/"Kris called me still. Out of breath when he got back to standing straight as he looked at me.

The anger was still there when I remember what he had done to me and my pack. How he fucked me over like that, everyone.

Yet the memories were still there and they still meant something to me even if they hadn't meant anything to him.. and seeing him after such a long time made me soft..

/"I know you 2 are panicked and you didn’t understand what's going on-/"

/"but you do !? Stay the fuck back!/" I growled at him showing my fangs when he was stepping closer to us only slightly looking back at the spot where alios had died.

/"I've read the books of alios and I overheard few of his conversations not to mention he talks in his sleep sometimes.. I'm not sure if what I heard is right but it sure as hell makes a lot. more sense /"

My fangs faded and I ended up only frowning at him sternly.