Closed Minded

#Chapter5 Closed Minded

'' what are you doing !?/"

I pulled kyungsoo up from where he was sitting ont he couch besides her.

A necklace fell to the ground with a cup following it but I just frowned hostile at the alpha.

'' jongin?/" Kyungsoo questioned a tone of confusion in his voice '' why did you just come in ?/" He started clinging lightly to my arm. Surprising me at the affection. '' y-you startled me/"

Irritated I moved him to stop clinging my arm when I took a hold of one of his hands instead feeling how cold they were, trembling lightly. I tilted my head to look into his lowered eyes when he still smiled lightly before I stared back at the alpha in anger.

'' what the fuck did you give him !?/"

She only sighed picking up the necklace, causing my eyes to fall onto the cups '' what was in it ?/"

I let go of kyungsoos hand when he moved it himself to rubb his eyes