No Good Or Evil

#Chapter8 No Good Or Evil

'' hey !/"

My feet stopped at the sound of jongins voice and I looked over my shoulder with a frown, thinking first that he had meant me which had gotten me ready to yell back at the tone he has used. Like he had a right to be yelling at me now after I went out to hunt a rabbit down for both of us. I had even gotten someone to cook it over the fire for him because I knew he couldn't eat meat raw. Humans are sensitive when it comes to food.

I guess living on land made them to be. I never had to worry about heights under the sea.

However when I looked for him, i saw him stepping over to another way in between some tents. His tone and yell obviously directed at someone else.

Curiously and irritated I ended up turning back to him fully as I stepped forward aswell closer to him so I could approach the scene he had disappeard to.