Trust me

#Chapter13 Trust me

''this is ridiculous we shouldn't return there, she clearly tricked us/"

Chanyeol grumbled as he walked forward with angry steps.

'' w-we have to, she said a map to a warlock... she couldnt have known it wasnt to the one we've searched /"

Jongdae stuttered as he limped behind and I turned around to kyungsoo keeping his eyes on the ground that he was stepping on.

'' it wasnt even a warlock it was a stupid seeer I'm, she planned this. She was acting weird with.. kyungsoo before that aswell /"

I frowned to myself at chanyeols words

'' I'd have to agree with him on that actually. As much as I don't think it's a good idea to return- /"

Kyungsoo looked up as I said that giving me these frowning eyes that he had given me before when I mentioned we shouldnt return. So I sighed.

'' I trust kyungsoo/"

My eyes drifted to chanyeol seeing as he only briefly glanced at him aswell.