The Marked Traitors

#Chapter53 The Marked Traitors

It was silent when jongin watched his uncle lean over the chair thinking while glancing at the map.

/" we have to find them /"

He nodded at his uncles statement, turning to where he had stared at on the map himself but he Kent his eye on the king.

/" dont you think they've learned to fear us now that we killed so many of them ?/"

The elder shock his head walking around the table to stop across from him again and glance down at a marking. /" we haven't checked much in these woods /"

Jongin frowned standing up to glance at where he pointed.

/" isn't that a little far-/"

/" damnit jongin ! When are you going to take this serious!?/" The prince was a little taken back by the outburst but no way ready to back down.