The Cabin On Fire

#Chapter63 The Cabin On Fire

/" we dont even know where we're going /"

Chanyeol announced after they had rode through the forest almost blindly, having an eye out for anything that showed signs of people or rather elves having come across the place.

/" the villagers talked about a boy with a bow riding a horse with no saddle, Who asked for this cabin. /"

/" it could've been anyone /" his knight protested mumbling it more over to himself when they continued the path. Jongdae keeping quiet throughout it all.

/" have you ever seen anyone ride a horse without a Sattle while searching for a cabin in the middle of the woods ?and the bow is a common weapon for the elves but the villagers said he wasnt an elf.. It has to be him. He has a way with.. horses or.. I guess animals in general, trust me /" jongin petted the neck of his horse, kai gently

/" I've seen it /"