The Fall

#Chapter72 The Fall

Before The Attack

Jongin cleared his throat when he reached the top of the wall, facing his father's back as he had looked out into the distance and the forest.

He stopped besides him to fold his hands behind his back, looking out aswell.

'' I heard you talked to solin /"

Jongin looked down at that when he couldnt pin point what the tone in his father's voice had meant.

'' y-yeah ... I was worried about her so I talked to her /"

'' she's a strong young woman /"

Jongin shifted as he placed his hands on the walls to lean forward onto them lightly, feeling uncomfortable when his fingers scratched the stone underneath them '' I... em ..I know ../"

'' do you have feelings for her ?/"

He bit his lip not knowing if the elder would like his answer but he didnt see a point in lying at this time it was obvious that he had heard about the proposal and the canceling of it.