

Axel's P.O.V.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

/"Soph, wait!/" I shout and take off after her.

She runs extremely fast when she wants to. She's swerving through the crowd with much more ease then me because she's so small, and after a minute, I lose sight of her.

/"Fuck./" I say and run to the first exit I can see. I look around the parking lot, searching for her, and when I spot her, she's already getting into the cab, closing the car door behind her.

I run to my car, turning on the ignition as fast as possible so I could keep up with the cab, but the asshole drivers drive like fucking eldery women and block my way.

I honk like crazy, but nothing happens.

When they finally get out of my fucking way, I don't see the cab anywhere.

/"Fuck!/" I shout, hitting the wheel. Where could she go? She probably went home, right?

I speed towards her house, getting a ticket but I don't give a shit.