

Sophie's P.O.V.

My mother exhales nervously as she mixes her tea with the spoon. /"I can't believe you're pregnant./" she whispers.

I bite my lip. /"Me neither. I still have to go to a gynecologist to be absolutely sure, but the doctor said it's almost impossible to be anything else./"

/"We're not mentioning this to your father until we go to the gynecologist./" she tells me and I happily agree.

I was horrible telling mum, I can't imagine how it will be with dad.

/"How far along do you think you are?/" mum asks and I think about it.

/"Three weeks./" I think about it some more. /"Well, two weeks and a half./"

She leans her head to the side in thought. /"It's not too late for abortion./"

/"No./" I say immediately. /"I'm not aborting my child./"

She smiles at me. /"You're just like me. I wouldn't be able to do it either./"