

Sophie's P.O.V.

/"Wow, this is your apartment?/" I gasp at the modern and extremely expensive looking penthouse at the top of one of more popular skyscrapers in London.

Axel shurgs and watches a worker carry our bags into the apartment. /"I guess so. This is my first time here, so don't ask me where anything is. We should look around a bit./" he suggests.

I nod and almost start skipping towards one of the rooms. The first room on the left happens to be the master bedroom with a massive bed in the middle of it, and the entire wall in front of it made of glass, giving an amazing view of London.

/"Wow./" I whisper as I approach it, already planning to put a bench somewhere next to it.

/"Coach told me that we'll be staying here while I have tournaments or some shit like that, but our home will be somewhere more remote and more private./" Axel tells me, wrapping his arms around me from behind.