The moment Biden and I walk into the police station, everybody's eyes glue onto me, watching my every move and for the first time, I hate the feeling.
This is so much different than the way I'm watched when I'm walking to the boxing ring in front of thousands, and I don't like it at all.
/"Follow me./" the same policeman tells us curtly as we walk up to him, and he leads me to the same room, the room that might just give me nightmares.
Thank fuck I'm not claustrophobic, or I wouldn't know how I'd handle this fucking room with no furniture except a table and three chairs, blank walls, blank everything.
/"Good for you that you came back./" the policeman says and I read his name tag - Daniel.
Honestly, he looks like the type of dick that takes his anger out on black dudes. And women. And well, everyone who gets in his fucking way.
I just nod in answer, Biden told me not to speak unless absolutely necessary.