

/"So what now?/" coach asks me as we drive through the city, getting rid ourselves of paparazzi.

It's starting to snow pretty hard outside, so I turn on the windshields and the heating up in my baby, exhaling out.

Breathing free air as a free man.

/"The plan now is,/" I glance at him, a smirk on my face, /"to get your ass back home, get some fucking flowers and ... well, you know./"

/"Sophie./" he answers and I nod.


She doesn't know that I'm coming, I asked everyone not to tell her that I've been freed to surprise her. I'm kinda hoping that it won't come off as too much of a shock to her, especially because of the baby.

The baby...

She's pretty heavily pregnant now, her due date is in a few weeks and I'm not exactly sure whether that makes me happy, excited of fucking terrified, but it's gonna happen soon.