

Axel's P.O.V.

/"I'm sorry, okay? Fuck, I've forgotten what it's like to ask forgiveness from people who aren't Sophie./" She always caves in quite soon, thankfully.

/"Yeah, well, I'm not fucking Sophie and that's a pitiful fucking apology, you need to do better./" coach replies, shutting the door of his bedroom in my face.

I woke up ten minutes ago on his couch, not really remembering why, but what I remember is the picture of Sophie with hurt in her eyes as I screwed up again.

Well, to be fair, she screwed up too. What the fuck was she thinking, kissing Theo? I understand how she thought it was a good idea, but I refuse to give up being hurt already. I'm gonna enjoy sulking for a little more time.

Groaning, I turn on my heels and exit coach's house, knowing exactly how to gain his forgiveness.