

The next day I don't speak to Axel, nor do I try. I catch him looking at me a few times, mostly during lunch and Biology where I still have to sit with him. There is a one weird time during the day when I'm walking down the hallway towards my next class, alone because I had to go pee and he appears on the other side, walking in the opposite direction towards me. He halters when he's close and opens his mouth like he's going to say something, but then he quickly closes it and walks away.

I do see Theo though, and when I meet him in the morning I happily hug him. We have really bonded yesterday by the stream and I can see us becoming great friends. The rest of the week goes by casually. On Wednesday I notice that Axel has gotten a piercing on the corner of his lip. To be honest, it looks really good on him but it's not like I would ever admit it.