

Sophie's P.O.V.

Oh god I hope I got his name right.

The handsome guy with jet black hair turns to look at me and quickly starts taking steps toward me. /"Oh, my god, you're just letting her walk around on her own after what she's been through?/" he exclaims and I make a move to move away from him, but he manages to sneak his arm around my waist.

Axel looks absolutely infuriated, even more so when I give him a shocked look at this guy's actions.

/"Get the fuck away from her./" he almost growls and forcefully pulls him away from me, and puts his arm on the place where Theo's was in the same move.

What the hell is going on?

Oh wait, they don't like each other, right?

/"What's going on?/" I ask the guys and Axel cocks his eyebrow at Theo. /"He's just leaving./"

/"No, I'm not. I came all the way here, I want to talk to her for a bit, check up on her./" he crosses his arms on his chest.