

-Family’s Sacrifice-01

Chloe Black

I stood rooted to the spot in shock as Jared frantically ripped our towels into strips. I had heard Sapphire's mindlink when she ordered everyone to move to their designated posts. I had been in the nursery, painting small pictures onto the wall, before Jared bursts into our room. His eyes were frantic and he raced into bathroom to take all the towels we had.

My feet unconsciously shuffled towards Jared till I stood right behind him, silently wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head against his back. He stilled for a moment before relaxing, dropping the towels from his hands to hold mine.

/"Chloe, you need to follow the others to the dungeons. It is the safest place in the stronghold, and will be the most heavily guarded./"

/"Where will you be?/"

I already knew the answer to that question, but some part of me still hoped for a different answer.