

-Enough is enough

Sapphire Nightborne

I turned my head to see Lucien standing behind me, the aura of power radiating from him almost caused me to bow my head in submission. I turned back further to see Ophelia behind him, sitting on the ground, Xander’s arm around her as she supported his weight.

Lucien must have seen the look on my face as he placed his hand on my shoulder, urging me to go to Xander. I threw him a grateful look before moving to Xander, taking his hand off his mother so that she could go to her mate as well, biting my lip as I felt the sharp pain in my knee as I knelt down.

Xander sighed as he tried to shift his weight so that the majority of it would not be on my shoulder, small grunts of pain leaving his lips.

He let out a whimper as I forcibly readjusted his weight.

/"I might not be as strong as I once was, but let me help you, Xander, please…/"