

/"Thanks for the food!/" Lily shouted after burping. /"It’s so delicious! I’m full, but I wanted to eat more and more./"

/"We’re glad to know that you liked the food, child,/" Mina’s father said to Lily.

/"Of course, because it’s not only delicious, it’s free too./" She stood up. My family and I had finished eating. /"I’ll do the dishes, Mina./"

/"Nah. I can handle it./"

/"Duh? Tomorrow is your big day, so just relax, okay? I don’t want Aunt Magda and Uncle Berto to do the dishes, so let’s cut this nonsense because I still have to go somewhere else./"

/"Where are you going?/" I helped her to clean the table.

/"Someone hired me in town to make the groom happy—Holy Moley! What is it, Mina?/"

/"My God, be merciful!/" Mom even rushed to us out of surprise.

/"Why, Tita?/"

/"That’s a bad vision! If the bride breaks something before her wedding day, it won’t be promising for her married life!/"

When Lily laughed, mom and dad looked at her. I remained calm and stared at the broken plate.

I was surprised when Lily answered me honestly, but I knew Tranz couldn’t do what I had in mind!

I know that she’s talking is not Tranz...

/"Auntie, calm down. Those superstitions aren’t true. The rich will break a bottle of champagne on their wedding, but they have a good life./" Lily patted my shoulder. /"Hey, Mina, don’t overthink. You’d better go to bed early, so you don’t look like a zombie tomorrow./" She even pushed me out of our kitchen.

I went into my room and called Tranz.

I called him twice. His phone is just kept on ringing but he didn’t answer his phone. I called him once again, but to my dismay, I could no longer contact his number.

Calm down, Mina.

That’s right. I need to calm down because negativity won’t help me. Tranz and I aren’t married yet, but here I am, doubting him. What more if we’re officially husband and wife?

I need to think rationally.

I need to practice myself to trust Tranz so that there will be no rift between us.

I lay down and tried to sleep, but to no avail, my mind is not helping.

I heard Lily say goodbye to my parents, so I got up and went outside.

What are you doing, Mina?

I just realized what I’m doing when the cold air touched my skin.

What am I thinking?

Am I this desperate to know the truth, so I didn’t realize that I was about to follow Lily?

I entered the house again and went straight to my room.

I was too glad that my parents didn’t notice me because they would surely ask why I went outside.

I picked up my cell phone and called Tranz again, but his number couldn’t be contacted, so I sat on the pallet of my bed.

I braced myself while crouching on my knees.

My body is shaking, and I have difficulty on breathing.

My heartbeats intensified as I heard the hands of the clock relentlessly in action.

I stood up and walked to the window, and looked out at Lily’s house.

I saw her leaving her house, so my suspicions intensified.

I stared at the girl until she disappeared from my sight.

/"Aww!/" I shouted loudly while looking at my nail that’s bleeding because I have bitten it unintentionally.

I left the room and went straight to the bathroom to wash my bleeding finger.

I’m squeezing my wounded finger with all my strength while crying.

I could not accept to myself what was in my imagination.

Tranz and Lily, naked while having sex!

No, Tranz! Please!

I took off my clothes and took a shower.

I let the water flow and let my tears flowed.

It hurts to think Tranz is betraying me at these times.

I want to rip my heart because the pain is so insane.

I got down on my knees and cried to my heart content.

When I felt better, I finished my shower.

After getting dressed, I called Tranz again, but he was still unattended, so I just went to bed.

My nervousness did not go away even after a few hours.

It’s ten o’clock, but I still can’t sleep.

I’m still waiting for Tranz’s call.

I know it may sound absurd, but I’m afraid that he’s having a good time now with Lily, especially since it’s late at night.

It was about midnight when I heard the sound of a car, so I hurried to get up and peek out the window.

It made me smile to recognize the black Crosswind owned by Tranz, but immediately, my smile ceased when I saw Lily get out of her car.

How could you do this to me, Love?

When my cellphone rang, I picked it up and answered.

/"Hello, Love .../" Tranz’s voice was hoarse.

I cleared my throat so I could speak properly. /"L-Love./"

/"Did I wake you up? I want to see you right now. I want to kiss you because I missed you so much./"

I bit my lower lip so that my crying would not make a sound.

/"The bride and groom cannot meet on the night of their wedding because the wedding may not go well./" I added a cheerful laugh, and I wanted to applaud myself because I was good at hiding how I felt.

/"What do you want me to do when we live under one roof, Love?/"

Just be honest, Tranz, I’ll forgive you for what you did tonight, I silently promised myself.

/"I want us to have three children, Love,/" I replied. /"I’m an only child, so I want to have three children so our children can play./" A long silence interferes between the two of us. /"Love?/"

/"Am I going to be selfish if I want you to take care of me first — me alone. I want to spend even if a few years with you so we can catch up the day we that we’re not together./"

/"Don’t you want to have a child?/"

/"I don’t want us to have children, Mina./"

/"T-Tranz .../"

/"I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow. I can’t wait to see how beautiful my bride is while walking in the aisle. I love you so much .../"

/"I love you too, Love .../"

I automatically cut off the call.

I remained standing until Tranz’s car disappeared from my sight.

/"WHAT’S THIS?/" My eyes widened, looking at the pregnancy pills that Tranz gave me.

He smiled at me and caressed my cheek. /"I want you to take that pills every day, Love, to prevent you from giving birth./"

I can’t believe what he’s saying!

Tranz and I just married yesterday, and we are here in the mansion he bought in South Ridge Village.

Just a few minutes after we arrived at his fancy house, he immediately gave me these pills!

And what’s frustrating? I guess I was the only bride that didn’t have sex with her husband on the wedding night!

He avoided me last night as if I had a contagious disease!

And now this?! He’s giving me contraceptive pills the day after our wedding?!

/"What’s the matter with you?/" I tried my best not to shout at him because I didn’t want us to fight because we had only been married for over a day.

/"I want you to remain sexy as fuck, Love.../" He winked at me before he answered his ringing cellphone.