

/"Just bring it to boil, Remy, okay? I’m just going to answer this call,/" I directed our maid.

I’m preparing food for tonight’s dinner. I made an effort because this night was special for me.

I’m seven weeks pregnant.

Until now, I still could hear my baby’s heartbeat.

I can’t describe the happiness I felt earlier when I heard the tiny heartbeat of the baby in my womb.

I can’t wait to hold this precious life, so I know I won’t be impatient to wait for a few months.

/"Hello, Mom .../" I greeted my mother happily.

I just thought, is this how Mom felt when she found out I was in her womb?

/"How are you, child?/" she asked on the other line.

/"I’m okay. How about you?/"

I heard Mom sigh. I knew the reason for that, but I let her speak first.

My lips twitched at the restraint of choking. I’m sad because since Tranz and I moved here to South Ridge Village, I haven’t had a chance to see my parents.