

It’s been two weeks since Tranz had the accident. According to Trevor, Tranz’s friend, my husband suddenly came to have a drink at a popular bar on the night of our anniversary. It looks like there is a serious problem, but Tranz didn’t even tell them.

Tranz was said to be drunk when a woman approached, and if I base the description of Tranz’s friend, I can say that he was referring to Lily.

When the woman left, my husband said goodbye to them too, and the rest is history.

I wanted to know what caused the accident, but I couldn’t get close to my husband because it seemed like I had a contagious disease. He has avoided me since that day.

The way he treats me right now is way different from before.

We can no longer sleep next to each other because I’m sleeping in the guest room, and my belongings are already there.