

Who are you?!

The man’s face is hidden, so I couldn’t see his face. All I could see was his exposed back and his arm wrapped around me.

I couldn’t help but be hysterical because of the man next to me in bed. I repeatedly hit the man with the pillow until he woke up. He got up and looked at me. He was stunned for a moment before smirking at me.

/"Good morning, beautiful .../" he greeted me foolishly.

I know this man! This is the man who offered me water when I was at the mall!

This piece of shit!

My eyes narrowed, and I immediately slapped with my hand on his cheek. He even turned his face to the right because of the force of my slap on him. /"You are an animal! What did you do to me?!/" I shouted and slapped him again and again while I cried.