

/"Are you okay, Minakels? Crazy, you might fall to the ground! Get it together. My God! You’re brave, so stand up for your courage especially now that you know the truth. You slapped me hard so you should slap whoever that bitch harder! /"

Knowing that your husband is cheating on you makes you feel even more insecure now that you are facing the woman you think he replaced you with.

Samantha is beautiful. Tall, sexy, and above all looks smart. After all, she won’t pass on her profession if she’s not smart.

Samantha is the type of woman that a man will chase even if the man is married. So when I saw her I was sure she was my husband’s woman.

But I was wrong ... I was wrong. Lily is wrong because despite her beauty she is not the type of woman who would like a man.

/"I’ll take it from here .../" I said to Lily.