

LAST Chapter

2 years later ...

I’m going to the cemetery. I went straight here after landing the plane my family and I boarded. I just sent Mom and Dad, even Adrian to the hotel where we were staying.

Lily insisted on coming but Seth himself stopped his sister.

I went to the museleo of the Fernandezes. I have flowers. To this day I still can’t accept what happened. What I went through when I last came here to the Philippines is still fresh in my brain. I also spent a few months waking up crying because of nightmares of the past.

I went through several psychiatrists but not even one helped me heal. I had to take some medicine to be okay but all of that didn’t help.

But as they say, time heals all wounds so I let myself heal with the help of my family. I never stopped working. Despite what I went through I continued the line of work.