

/"She hasn’t dated anyone the last four years. Not a single date,/" she held up a finger telling me that she was going to count off a list. /"She always made sure you were talked about. We were encouraged to tell Maddy stories about the two of you. I don't know how she could ever fall out of love with you when she talked about you all the time,/" she paused, and her smile widened. She opened her mouth to keep going but she was cut off by Maddy calling me. I turned around to look in her direction. She was waving for me to come to her, so I stood and walked over to her.

/"Daddy, you have to sit by me./" She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the table where Gavin, Callie’s older brother, was sitting talking with Anna. They stopped talking and sent me a smile as I sat Maddy on the chair beside me. Callie, her parents, and May all joined us at the table shortly after and sat down also. I couldn’t take my eyes off of Callie who was sitting across from me.